2001/07至今,澳门永利总站856 教师
2007/08-2008/06,北京邮电大学 访问学者
2017/11-2018/05,新加坡国立大学量子技术中心 访问学者
1、主持完成国家自然科学基金项目《基于量子密码的新型数字签名理论研究》,No. 61402148,2015-2017;
2、主持完成河北省自然科学基金项目《量子数字签名若干关键问题研究》,No. F2015205114,2015-2017;
3、 主持完成澳门永利总站856博士基金项目 《量子态的区分及其在密码协议中的应用研究》,No. L2016B05,2016-2018;
4、 主持完成河北省教育厅基金项目 《零相关区序列集和阵列集的构造》,No. 2010146,2010-2012;
5、 主持完成澳门永利总站856基金项目 《图设计和样本设计》,No.L2004Q01,2005-2006;
6、主持完成澳门永利总站856基金项目《零相关区序列集的构造》,No. L2008Q02,2008-2010.
[1] A novelquantum broadcasting multiparty blind signature scheme, Physica Scripta, 93(9),p:095102, 2018. (with Z. Li)
[2] New constructionsof orthogonal product basis quantum states, International Journal ofTheoretical Physics, 57(5), p:1597-1603, 2018. (with S. Liu and Y. Yang)
[3] Multipartitequantum key agreement over collective noise channels, IEEE Photonics Journal,10(1), p:7600211, 2018. (with B. Cai, G. Guo, S. Lin and C. Yu)
[4] Localindistinguishability of multipartite orthogonal product bases, Quantum InfProcess, 276(16), 2017. (with G. Xu, Q. Wen, F. Gao S. Qin)
[5]Theoretically extensible quantum digital signature with starlike clusterstates, Quantum Inf Process, 16(1), p:1-15, 2017. (with Y. Yang, Z. Liu, J. Li,X. Chen, Y. Zhou, W. Shi)
[6] Quantum private query with perfect user privacyagainst a joint-measurement attack, Physics Letters A, 380(48), p:4033-4038,2016. (with Y. Yang and Z. Liu)
[7] Quantumsecret sharing via local operations and classical communication, ScientificReports, 11967(5), 2015. (with Y. Yang and F. Gao)
[8] Characterizing unextendible product bases inqutrit-ququad system, Scientific Reports, 11963(5), 2015. (with Y. Yang and F.Gao)
[9] Bound on local unambiguous discriminationbetween multipartite quantum states, Quantum Information Processing, 14,731-737, 2015. (with Y. Yang and F. Gao)
[10] Effects of relaxed assumptions onsemi-device-independent randomness expansion, Physical Review A, 89, p:032312, 2014.(with Y. Wang and S. Qin)
[11] Security analysis of quantum multi-signatureprotocol based on teleportation, Quantum Information Processing, 12, p:2343-2353,2013. (with T. Song and K. Zhang)
[12] Arbitrated quantum signature scheme based onχ-type entangled states, Physica Scripta, 88, p:045001, 2013. (with W. Huangand S. Qin)
[13] Cryptanalysis of quantum blind signaturescheme, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 52, p:322-329, 2013.
[14] Discussion on quantum proxy group signaturescheme with χ-type entangled state, International Journal of QuantumInformation, 11, p:1350030, 2013. (with S. Qin and T. Song)
[15] A general construction of low correlation zonesequence sets based on finite fields and balanced function, IEICE TRANSACTIONSon Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E95-A(10),p:1792-1795, 2012. (with Q. Wen and X. Ma)