

Forbidden subgraphs and spherical two-distance sets

主 讲 人 :姜子麟    助理教授


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A set of unit vectors in a Euclidean space is called a spherical two-distance set if the pairwise inner products of these vectors assume only two values α and β. It is known that the maximum size of a spherical two-distance grows quadratically as the dimension of the Euclidean space grows. However when the values α and β are held fixed, a very intricate behavior of the maximum size emerges. Building on our recent resolution in the equiangular case, that is β = -α, we make a plausible conjecture which connects this behavior with spectral theory of signed graphs in the regime β < 0 ≤ α, and we confirm this conjecture when α + 2β < 0 or (1 – α)/(β-α) < 2.0198. Joint work with Alexandr Polyanskii, Jonathan Tidor, Yuan Yao, Shengtong Zhang and Yufei Zhao.


姜子麟于 2011 年在北京大学取得数学学士学位,并于 2016 年在卡内基梅隆大学取得算法、组合与优化的博士学位。此后,他于 2016 年至 2018 年间在以色列理工大学担任博士后研究员,并于 2018 年至 2020 年底在麻省理工学院继续担任应用数学教员(博士后职位)。他目前在亚利桑那州立大学担任助理教授。姜子麟的研究兴趣包括离散几何、极值图论和拓扑组合。
