

Possible research projects on EKR-properties of some strongly regular graphs

主 讲 人 :Sergey Goryainov    副教授


地      点 :腾讯会议:177-450-058


The Erdos–Ko–Rado theorem, one of the fundamental results in combinatorics, provides information about systems of intersecting sets. A family of subsets of a ground set {1, ..., n} is called intersecting if any two sets in this family have at least one point in common. The Erdos–Ko–Rado theorem has two parts: an upper bound for the size of an intersecting family and a characterisation of families that meet the bound. One reason this theorem is so important is that it has many interesting extensions. In the language of graph theory, the Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem characterises maximum cocliques (independent sets) in Kneser graphs. We can seek to extend the EKR theorem by replacing the Kneser graphs by other interesting families of graphs. In my lecture, I will present some background and open problems of EKR-type for strongly regular graphs.


Sergey Goryainov, associate professor at Hebei Normal University

homepage: https://sgoryainov.github.io/

email: goryainov@hebtu.edu.cn

Any preliminary questions from students are very welcome.
