非交换几何国际研讨会 International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry
主 讲 人 :与会专家 教授
地 点 :秦皇岛
8:00-8:30 会议开幕式
8:30-9:15 张伟平 Deformations of Dirac operators
9:25-10:10 唐翔 Cyclic Cohomology and Index Theory for Proper $G$ Actions
10:40-11:25 姚一隽
11:35-12:20 刘正伟 变分量子算法的高效经典模拟
14:00-14:45 程立新 Representation of commutators on Schatten $p$-classes
14:55-15:40 王航 Higher index and secondary invariants for elliptic operators invertible at infinity
16:10-16:55 侯秉喆 Analytic automorphisms, composition operators and the representation of analytic functions
17:05-17:50 钟永权 A coarse geometric approach to inverse semigroups
8:30-9:15 侯晋川 Strong 3-skew commutativity preserving maps on prime rings with involution
9:25-10:10 李寒峰Local Entropy Theory for Induced Actions on Probability Measure Spaces
10:40-11:25 牛壮 Structure of transformation group C*-algebras
11:35-12:20 梅韬 L^p-unconditional partitions of free group von Neumann algebras
14:00-14:45 杨容伟Self-similar group representation and the Julia set
14:55-15:40 房军生Sums of projections in semifinite factors
16:10-16:55 余世霖The Connes-Kasparov isomoprhism and representation theory
17:05-17:50 朱波 Metric structure of “positive curvature” on Riemannian manifolds
8:30-9:15 郑德超 Multiplication operators on the Bergman space of Bounded Domains
9:25-10:10 夏经博The Berger-Coburn phenomenon for Hankel operators on the Fock space
10:40-11:25 王凯 Some recent progress in determinantal point processes with Bergman kernels
11:35-12:20 王勤 A Bott periodicity theorem for lp spaces and the coarse Novikov conjecture at infinity
8:30-9:15 林华新 Tracial approximate oscilation and simple C*-algebras
9:25-10:10 郭坤宇Dirichlet series and function theory in infinitely many variables
10:40-11:25 王奕 Trace Formulas of Toeplitz Operators and Quantization
11:35-12:20 吴健超The Novikov conjecture, groups of diffeomorphisms, and Hilbert-Hadamard spaces
14:00-14:45 王晋民Band width inequality and cube inequality
14:55-15:40 谢志章A new index theorem for manifolds with singularities and its geometric applications
16:10-16:55 蒋春澜Rosenblum operator and Invariant subspace problem.
8:30-9:15 戎小春 Quantitative Maximal Rigidity of Ricci Curvature
9:25-10:10 许全华
10:40-11:25 章嘉雯Ghostly ideals in uniform Roe algebras
11:35-12:20 宋言理 Connes-Kasparov conjecture for symmetric spaces